A Guided Meditation Series For Spiritual Well-being From Yukteshji



Duration 45-60 MIN


Every Sunday – 7 am PST/10 am EST/3 pm GMT/4 pm CET/5 pm SAST/12 pm BRT


Inner Peace Meditations

Awakening to the power of the spiritual dimension is the key to unlocking abundance in all spheres of life.
These sacred meditations profoundly have an impact on all three realms- mind, body, and consciousness. It heals and awakens soulfully to immense peace and love.
Moments of deep insights and transcendental experiences during the sessions catapult our joy beyond the reaches of stress and experience joy and freedom within helping to create a beautiful and fulfilling life.

A sacred journey with many milestones

  • Learn the basics of Dhyana(meditation) and Yoga.
  • Dissolve stressful experiences and learn to nurture beautiful experiences.
  • Experience vibrational energy through ancient chants.
  • Open your hearts to happy and fulfilled relationships.
  • Tap into the vast intelligence or higher self.
  • Receive weekly guided meditation practice or Sadhana to take your power of manifestation to a new level.

A sacred journey with many milestones

  • Learn the basics of Dhyana(meditation) and Yoga.
  • Dissolve stressful experiences and learn to nurture beautiful experiences.
  • Experience vibrational energy through ancient chants.
  • Open your hearts to happy and fulfilled relationships.
  • Tap into the vast intelligence or higher self.
  • Receive weekly guided meditation practice or Sadhana to take your power of manifestation to a new level.


Spiritual Mentor

Global Spiritual Wellness Mentor with 20+ years of experience in the mental, emotional and spiritual wellness Industry. Former monk with expertise in creating and guiding transformational and meditation events by bringing the ancient esoteric wisdom and modern science.

Early from a young age, he was intrigued by spirituality, mysticism, and peace-seeking. It was this that propelled him to explore deeply and learn about inner peace and one’s consciousness.

His friendly way of teaching has helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. The inward journey he leads helps seekers to ease into the power of presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends limited self and divisive thinking.

Yukteshji is also a trained yoga instructor from Kaivalyadham Yoga research institute, India.

His vision is to awaken inner well-being to the seeking hearts– a journey that is based on science and deep spiritual insights that helps a person realize the ultimate potential so that they are exuberant, all-inclusive, and in harmony within themselves and the world. From this noble vision, several other humanitarian projects and programs arise bringing harmony and well-being to the world.



What is the duration of these meditation sessions?

45-60 mins

How to Register?

Once you have filled in the registration form, we will send you a zoom link and passcode to enter the meditation room. You can use the zoom link and passcode to log in.
Please don’t share your zoom link and passcode with others. Instead, please share the registration page( with them to register for the sessions and to get a timely reminder.

How are we connecting online for these meditation sessions?

It’s through Zoom App.
Please download the zoom application from
It’s available for all platform and devices.

What is the cost for these meditation sessions?

These online meditations(Inner Peace Meditation) run on love offerings or voluntary donations. If you have benefited from these meditation sessions, you are welcome to donate according to your volition and your means.
The Inner Peace Meditation is a humanitarian effort to empower, heal, and nurture individuals and communities across the world.
Let the cost be the least of your worries! Please have a wonderful experience!

How should I prepare to get the best out of these meditation sessions?

Please commit yourself to going deeper into yourselves. This resolve will help you to have breakthroughs and insights.
Creating a meditative ambiance with less or no distraction will enhance your meditation experience.
A notebook and pen, water bottle, Kleenex, eye masks, or Low lights during meditations will be helpful.
A yoga mat to lie down in shavasan after meditations will help you to assimilate the energy and will deeply relax you. You could also use a comfortable chair or sofa to relax

How can I share about Inner Peace Meditations with my friends?

Please feel free to share the below link with your friends.
This link will help your friends to register and to receive a timely reminder in the email.

What is the experience like in these meditations?

As we know, everyone is unique, and so are our experiences.
So far, our regular meditators have experienced peace, calm, pround healing, transcendental experiences and a deep state of connection with the inner divine, etc.

Any limitations for practicing these meditations?

Anytime during our yoga or meditation practice, if you feel uncomfortable, please pause or stop the practice. If you have heart illness, a history of stroke, fluctuating blood pressure, women during pregnancy, or any other physical or mental conditions, please feel free to skip esoteric meditations or fast breathing or any meditations or yogic postures. Please know you are your best judge. If the discomfort continues, please reach out for medical assistance.