Spiritual Mentor
Global Spiritual Wellness Mentor with 25 years of experience in the mental, emotional and spiritual wellness Industry. Former monk with expertise in creating and guiding transformational and meditation events by bringing the ancient esoteric wisdom and modern science.
Early from a young age, he was intrigued by spirituality, mysticism, and peace-seeking. It was this that propelled him to explore deeply and learn about inner peace and one’s consciousness.
His friendly way of teaching has helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. The inward journey he leads helps seekers to ease into the power of presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends limited self and divisive thinking.
Yukteshji is also a trained yoga instructor from Kaivalyadham Yoga research institute, India.
His vision is to awaken inner well-being to the seeking hearts– a journey that is based on science and deep spiritual insights that helps a person realize the ultimate potential so that they are exuberant, all-inclusive, and in harmony within themselves and the world. From this noble vision, several other humanitarian projects and programs arise bringing harmony and well-being to the world.
Timeless Wisdom
My heartfelt gratitude and respects to the many great masters whose insights continue to guide me and all humanity on the path of spiritual awakening.
Our Methodology
Our Principles
Meditation is a proven path to feeling calm, clear, and grounded. It allows you to focus on what’s important, whether it’s your health or your career.
Kundalini is the energy that flows through your body, igniting your life force and awakening you to the possibilities of more expansive consciousness.
Yogic Balance
Asanas not only tone the body, it calms the mind. It creates a healthy balance in life and you’ll be happier, smarter, and more productive. Let’s be the best version of ourselves every day.
Breathe and keep calm when you’re in the middle of it. Stay focused on what needs to get done, and be productive.